Why metaphor & myth matter in sports creative

Understanding the Essence of Sport: Excellence Within Boundaries

When we think about sport, it's crucial to consider what truly defines it. At its core, sport is the pursuit and celebration of human excellence, achieved within a defined space and set of rules. For example, a football pitch is marked out with white lines, creating a boundary within which all the game's activities occur. The players' role is to give their best, striving to win within these confines. Despite being 'boxed in' by the physical space, athletes push themselves to their limits, often displaying capabilities that transcend ordinary human expectations.

This aspect of sport—maximising human capability and achieving feats that seem 'beyond human'—makes it a perfect metaphor for the extraordinary.

The Power of Metaphor in Sport

“The essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another.”

Sports marketing often taps into this metaphorical power. Leading campaigns from governing bodies and rights holders frequently focus on the idea of 'beyond human' or mythical concepts. Notable examples include Channel 4's iconic 'Superhumans' ad from the 2012 Paralympics and ESPN’s recent NBA ad, which showcases the clash of superstars, rising stars, freaks, and jokers. These campaigns, steeped in mythic metaphor, resonate deeply with audiences, reinforcing the extraordinary nature of athletic achievement.

The Mythical Appeal of Athletic Feats

Consider the mesmerising effect of watching a balloon float skyward or an aeroplane in flight. These images symbolise a departure from earth into the unknown, evoking a sense of mysticism. Similarly, when we see a basketball player like Michael Jordan defy gravity with a leap that seems to suspend time, we're reminded of the magical allure of sport. Jordan's iconic moves in the Space Jam movies had a profound impact on a generation, helping to elevate basketball's popularity in the 90s.

This creative resonance stems from a fundamental human truth: we are all bound to this world and naturally intrigued by what lies beyond our senses. Athletes who push the limits of human capability—making the unnatural possible—captivate us because they embody our deepest aspirations.

The Role of Myth in Sports Marketing

Understanding the mythic and metaphorical elements of sport is crucial for creating compelling sports marketing campaigns. However, there's a growing concern that sports content is shifting too far towards superficial entertainment. While there's a place for entertaining narratives, it’s essential not to lose sight of what makes sport meaningful.

Balancing Entertainment and Authentic Storytelling in Sports

The creative landscape in sports is constantly evolving, with new platforms and technologies offering fresh ways to tell authentic sporting stories. However, the industry needs to strike a balance. Rather than prioritising quick, entertaining content, we should focus on producing high-quality, inspirational material that honours the true essence of sport.

By re-focusing on what genuinely resonates with fans—the mysticism and extraordinary nature of athletic achievement—we can create content that not only captures attention but also fosters deeper engagement and loyalty.

The Future of Sports Content: Embracing the Mythic

To ensure the future of sports content marketing aligns with the true spirit of sport, we need strong leadership willing to make bold, creative decisions. Emphasising the mythic aspects of sport in our storytelling can help us reconnect with what makes sport so powerful and beloved. By doing so, we can inspire and engage audiences in a way that transcends the ordinary and celebrates the extraordinary.


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